Aries Horoscope and Characteristics of Aries


Aries, The Ram: 21 March - 20 April

You belong to the first house of the Zodiac circle, Aries. You are usually courageous, energetic, competitive and pioneering. Mars is your ruling planet. Red and White are your colours. Libra is your opposite sign and you are least compatible with Virgo and Scorpio. You are most compatible with Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. You can be selfish, abrasive, impulsive and reckless. For you it is all or nothing in friendships and other romantic involvements. Career options best suited for you includes Animal and natural resources, diagnostics and healing arts, areas of forensic medicine, neurology, psychiatry, physiotherapy, surgery, exploring and building, engineering, entrepreneurial schemes, performing and visual arts, social sciences, law enforcement, The military, selling, metallurgy etc…

Other Information about Aries


  • Birthstone: Diamond
  • New age stone: Bloodstone, ruby
  • Element: Fire
  • Anatomy ruled: Head, face, throat
  • Flower: Geranium
  • Your Tarot card: IV The Emperor

Good Characteristics

• Adventurous and energetic
• Pioneering and courageous
• Enthusiastic and confident
• Dynamic and quick-witted

Bad Characteristics

• Selfish and quick-tempered
• Impulsive and impatient
• Foolhardy and daredevil

Aries Qualities and Characteristics

You are aggressive, the kind of person who takes problems by the headlocks. You are as fearless as the Gods and enthusiastic and fervent to the extreme. Your sex drive is very strong and you are quite aptly, extrovert. But the drawback is in terms of your egotism. Even though you are the leader in your peer group, you lack the wisdom required in a leader.

You might also show attributes of blunt and roguish behavior and lack of pragmatism while dealing with people. However, having strong emotions and being courageous and forceful, you forge your way ahead in precarious situations. So when a new endeavor is to be undertaken, you will be the crucial person. Your approach with opposite sex is altogether aggressive and straight-on, like your approach towards life itself. You have an exceptional exuberance and stamina, and this probably originates from your quality of being your own master, but this also leads to the lack of style and grace.

You don’t talk a lot or try to justify, you just assert your supremacy and work. Now you can decide for yourself how good this can be for your leadership. You are not very social, but you are quite helpful and even gullible. May be that is why people try to take undue advantage of you and even become successful.

Qualities that make you lucky are daring, full of life, impulsive, and plain philosophy. Qualities that hinder your success are intolerance, self-seeking, envy, and inflexibility.

Aries Personality

Aries is representative of verve and energy and while many may associate a ‘me first’ attitude with Ariens, the truth is quite different from this. The ‘me first’ refers primarily to their competitiveness and their desire to be at the top of the world. Of course, the selfish aspect of their personality is true to some extent, but it can be controlled. They are known to be highly simple and straight-forward in their dealings. This is the secret behind the amazing clarity that they seem to possess regarding everyday life.

In their childhood, Ariens are characteristically hungry for success. They generally wanna be good in sports, studies and almost everything they get involved in, though there might be the odd case of an Ariean almost deliberately messing up their grades, just cause they don’t care. This attitude just gets stronger with age. In their profession, they will do all they can to get to the top. And to many, this might mean that the personal life suffers, but not to Ariens. Ariens are really attached to their family. They also make excellent partners, in a sexual as well as emotional sense. They are intent on enjoying their sex life to the fullest, which is great for their partners. This comes from the fact that they are very passionate and fervent, but they also have certain selfish tendencies which can make things sour.

Ariens frequently develop headaches because of the stresses they experience in life. Also, in their hustle and bustle, they might get careless and cause physical harm to themselves in the form of cuts and bruises. It would be advisable for Ariens to be careful while handling fire and metal objects.

Overall, Ariens are energetic, passionate beings with a knack of achieving great laurels in their field of work. They also have a pioneering side which they can seldom suppress.

Aries Friendship Compatibility

Nurturing healthy and productive friendships requires not only going out and meeting new people, but more importantly, the ability to influence the other person and encourage common interests – and this comes naturally to you Ariens. You will take them to your favourite movies and sports events, show them your favourite TV shows, books and magazines, and actually stir up their interest in them even if they hardly any to start with. Energy and enthusiasm are infectious, and they are exactly what you pass on to your mates.

But there is this small problem in such matters, Aries naturally happen to be selfish (this is not always such a negative thing, let me remind you). So, when the other guy or girl makes a plan, Aries might always find something more interesting or more fun to go to. So you will definitely be tempted to cancel the previous commitment. As is the norm in such cases, you will come up with the prettiest excuses (I am sure of that) and given your forceful and vigorous nature, the other person will definitely accept it. But your friend will be hurt nonetheless, and when the same thing happens again and again, he/she will start seeing through the charm and shine.

All this is being said, not to point out your blemishes, but to encourage you to introduce all the warmth and charm in your friendships, but in the right way. Sometimes, being a good friend means being patient, irrespective of how wrong you might think your friend is. And the truth is that some day your friend will be grateful to you for that. Some might need a helping hand, while some might just need a shoulder to cry on. Whatever the case, they will not ask for something you can’t give them. When you will be in the dumps and need them, they will always be there for you. So this is a way of returning their favor before they actually do you one. After all, is this not what friendship is all about?

Aries in Love and Romance

Ariens fall into love record-breaking fast – they will be in love even before they know it. And it’s not even like a serious love-like infatuation that you’d expect to pass, it is the real passionate I’m-all-for-you kinda love. To some, it might look like they are rushing into it, but in an Arien’s mind, that is the normal speed. But all the same, how ever so much ecstatic they might feel, relative to the world they seem to be pushy. And that means they are pushy – and we all know that pushy messes things up in matters of love.

Being pushy carries on to another dimension of the relationship as well, namely the sexual. The Arien has so much passion and libido that he/she never seems to get out of the making-love-all-night-long stage. Now the thing with passion is that passion and consideration hardly go along with one another. So the partner might suffer and flinch and be unwilling to take the physical strain for so long for so many times, but the Arien just wants more and more. So the best way to curb such tendencies is to be aware of them, and talking one’s way through whenever one has a doubt whether the partner is ready to go to the same length that he/she is.

Another characteristic of their sexual personality is that the thing comes naturally to them. They have a beautiful love-instinct and know exactly how to express it. Because of their uncomplicated personalities, they always have things figured out and hardly ever have guilt-related issues after the act. The issue, however, is that they have a more than average sex-drive. Now how’s that an issue? It is an issue if the partner does not share the same amount of enthusiasm. Herein is the need to assess one’s partner and shape one’s approach accordingly to be amusing and engrossing enough for the partner. Otherwise, we come back to the problem of overexerting one’s partner.

Ariens have an unpredictable, sweet side to their persona. They have a habit of giving their loved ones small presents, for particularly no reason at all. The partner enjoys it very much and things take off in a totally new direction for that night.

Aries in Marriage

Ariens make good spouses – this is credited mainly to the passionate and enthusiastic side of their personality. They are interested domestic affairs just as much as in official ones, in an almost childlike way. You can witness this in the way they decorate their houses, buy presents for their family members and provide for them. As parents, they are neither so unattached as to pass on cleaning diapers over to the spouse, nor so over-anxious as to panic when their kid spoils his school exams. If their children do not perform in school up to their expectations, they will take things into their own hands and help them through. But Ariens are not known for their patience! They might end up saying or doing something they might regret later.

There is the general notion that Ariens are give and take in marriage. This is a horrible notion to have, but nonetheless, not totally incorrect. Here, there’s one thing all married couples need to understand. In married life, there obviously are taking periods of each partner of the marriage – periods when the other understands his/her spouse’s need gives. But when the giving period comes, the Arien is often found wanting. At this point, he/she should reassess the situation, and question himself/herself if he/she is giving all that he/she has got. Ariens have this vast reserve of fervent energy, but it’s really important for them to put it in the right place.

Again, an important problem with Ariens is their selfishness. They do things that hurt their partner, and they don’t realize it. This thoughtlessness is as natural as the selfishness, and the end outcome is that the partner expresses his/her anguish in an outburst and the Arien is totally taken by surprise. The Arien’s simple nature and way of looking at life hinders his/her ability to understand the complicated results of his/her actions. So if you are an Arien and married, you have a lot to give as well as a lot to look out for.

Aries Career and Money

The creative energy and talent of an Arien needs sufficient expression in his/her professional life as well. So an Arien needs a job that is demanding and challenging. The challenge might be of a physical kind, but most often an Arien is not content without a job with intellectual hurdles to be overcome and competition to be out-maneuvered. Ariens enjoy it especially if they get to go into uncharted territories, to explore and try out new possibilities for themselves and to pioneer some new technique or philosophy of doing things. One important thing to note about them is that they definitely go after money, but money is not everything for them. They will not be happy with a good salary, they need good, challenging work.

As might be expected of people with so much verve and energy, they will hardly consent to work in a quiet and dull atmosphere. They would want to be in some place bustling and happening, even if it produces a lot of noise and interruption. These guys are perfectly suited for fieldwork. They are for the front-end jobs – if they are in a law firm they should be fight legal battles in the court of law, if they work for a manufacturing or retailing unit, they must be showing customers around and selling them stuff. Ariens are meant for action, of whatever kind it might be. They will not sit down and work on routines and details. If you make them do that, they will cut corners and turn out to be horrible failures.

As much as Ariens like to be on the field, they also like to be in the midst of competition. The fiercer the competition, the harder they work and produce results. This is the basic reason why Ariens have a reputation for rising up to the occasion – they are comfortable only when they are fighting for every breath; normal slow life is not for them.

Zodiac and Dates, Horoscope and Characteristics

added 11 years ago

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