Leo Horoscope and Characteristics of Leo


Leo, The Lion: 23 July - 22 August

You belong to the fifth house of the Zodiac circle, Leo. You are usually generous, assertive, faithful and responsible. The Sun is your ruling planet. Gold and scarlet will be your lucky colours. Aquarius is your opposite sign and you are least compatible with Pisces and Capricorn. You are most compatible with Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. You can be pompous, stubborn, self-satisfied and arrogant. You flourish in work where you can use your fiery enthusiasm and creativity. You can be easily hurt. Though you know many people and love to mix, there is still a part of you which stands aloof and keeps you standing out from the crowd, you get along with them but you tend to follow the formalities when it comes to friendship. The best career options for you includes all public administration, amusements and pleasures, concerns of the young, management, surgery and counseling, luxury trades, money and finance, performing arts, philanthropy, visual arts etc…

Other Information about Leo


  • Birthstone: Ruby
  • New age stone: Topaz, Sardonyx
  • Element: Fire
  • Anatomy ruled: Heart, Upper back
  • Flower: Marigold
  • Your Tarot card: VIII Strength

Good Characteristics

• Generous and warmhearted
• Creative and enthusiastic
• Broad-minded and expansive
• Faithful and loving

Bad Characteristics

• Pompous and patronizing
• Bossy and interfering
• Dogmatic and intolerant

Leo Qualities and Characteristics

Lion is considered the ruler of the jungle, so also you are the leader of your own world; you exhibit impeccable bravery, superiority and sovereignty. You are expected to achieve extraordinary feats. You have the strength of character to take command of any situation and your presence commands respect and attention. And just like a king, you have a big heart, you are generous and sensitive to others’ feelings.

But again, you are quite egotistical and it’s quite easy to flatter and take advantage of you. At the same time, you tend to be quite self-congratulatory and boastful and at the same time dominating, courting resentment from your peers. Leo is all about ambition and compassion; and at the same time headstrong and a little corrupted by power. But it equally characteristic of you to be contemplative and moody, especially when you are with yourself.

You can get into deep depressions, but the only answer to this problem is self-control, hard work and paying heed to others’ counsel. You show your ambitious and sensitive character with your relationships with the opposite sex. And you are also in quite a bit of luck, but being a little imprudent, it would be ill-advised for you to try your hand at speculation.

Qualities that make you lucky are bighearted, forceful, aristocratic, and affectionate. Qualities that hinder your success are aggressiveness, boastful, haughty, and pride.

Ben Affleck, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, George Bernard Shaw; We know them as famous Leon.

Leo Personality

All Leos of the world can be described using one metaphor – the sun. They want to be a sun giving out light and warmth to the whole world, and to see everyone in their circles thriving in or at least benefitting from their radiance. One other important thing needs to understand is that Leo is the sign of extremities.

People of this Leo sun sign innately want to lead and be a master, but for those they adore and revere, they are ready to become slaves. They are very well organized and do things just the way they ought to be done, but it is also true that they are much better at organizing and systematizing others’ lives than their own. This trait of theirs sometimes borders on bossiness. But all this effort to improve another person’s life comes with an unnatural amount of warmth, kindly encouragement and a promise for help without having to ask, whenever it is needed.

The other thing about Leos is their creative streak – they possess some talent that hardly anyone around them is good at. But they can also be influenced very easily, and are prone to losing out against nagging criticism. They therefore have a great need to be encouraged and shown the right way. In friendships, Leos are very generous and caring, but may also get a little carried away and shower their affections on the wrong person. The same happens in case of love interests, but if the other person is the right one, he/she will find no derth of kindness and generosity.

Leos are very passionate and very faithful partners, but the problem is their extremely sensitive nature. And this sensitivity is on most occasions eclipsed by their influential and bossy exteriors. So it’s quite possible that their partner may have hurt them in something he/she says without his/her even realizing it. That’s why living with a Leo takes some getting used to.

Leo Friendship Compatibility

Leos have a very wide circle of acquaintances and friends and mutual friends. But most of them are just part of their circle of influence, they will deal with them only if a need arises on either side, and even though they are helpful and dependable and all that, they do not take these as their ‘friends’. That takes a lot of time – they form a rapport first, find out the likes and dislikes and more importantly the character of the other person, and only then decide if the other person is right for them. And once they have given him/her that status, the friendship is for a lifetime. They will stop at very little in making sure that friend of theirs is not in any kind of distress.

Even if they have lost touch with their friend for a long time, they do not find it difficult to resume from where they left it. This is because friendship means too much to them. They would themselves not want someone to call them a friend just after a brief acquaintance. They of course like meeting new people, making contacts, enjoying their company and being of use to them whenever need by. But the title of ‘friend’ is too sanctimonious for them to be conferred to too many people.

Once they make a friend, they wanna do a lot for them. For example, if the friend has some talent that he/she wants to show or some project that he/she wants to work on, there can be no one better than the Leo at encouraging and helping out the other person in his/her endeavors. When they become adults, Leos show their generosity by giving away generous presents to their friends children, and taking them to fancy restaurants for dinner. Now, such things may turn on their head and the friends may start thinking that our guy is splashing money at them. Thus, there is always a fine line that should never be crossed. Too bad for the Leo because there is no joy for him/her greater than that of knowing that others derive pleasure from things that he/she gifted them with his/her hard earned money. That is the way of the world, the misers can’t keep everything in and the generous can’t give everything out.

Leo in Love and Romance

When a Leo falls in love, he/she falls very hard and very quick. He/she will shout out and declare to the world that he loves such and such a person. Leos are full of zest and vitality when it comes to love, sex and relationships, and for this reason they give a lot and expect a lot in return. Sure they are let down at times, sure there are some heartaches and sad moments, but that’s a part of the Leo way of life. And you what – many years later, at old age, when they look back upon their lives, they experience happiness, nostalgia, sadness too, but never regret. So as the sun shines out through the clouds, the Leo keeps enjoying life without losing his/her vitality even with all the setback he/she suffers in life.

The Leo’s enthusiasm and verve makes the partner enjoy all the things that the Leo enjoys. It happens almost naturally, and takes hardly any persuation. One thing the Leo and his/her partner need to realize is that even in the most intimate of relationships, sharing interests and combined enjoyment are required as a lubricant is required for smooth running of a machine. And this need is experienced all the more by the Leo.

Leos express their creativity and passion in their sexual life quite skillfully and also set up the atmosphere needed for the work up to the love making with an impeccable dexterity. They set the pace of the relationship and never give up. The partners are very content with this attitude and hardly ever have a reason to complain. The only glitch, however, is that in setting up the scene, the Leo may become a little too overwhelming for the partner. He/she might forget that the partner might be a little shy and the situation might be too hot to handle. Thus it is sometimes necessary for the Leo to supress his/her need to be appreciated and noticed all the time, even though it is his/her prime priorities.

Leo in Marriage

Leos want to enjoy marriage to the fullest, just like any other enterprise they they step into. And marriages start with weddings; so whether it’s a man or a woman, the Leo would want to wait for the wedding until enough money is in hand, so that all the arrangements can be made – the full church ceremony, the extravagant reception and the honeymoon – to measure up to the his/her dream wedding. After the wedding, Leos put all their time and effort into making the marriage a fulfilling one. They encourage their partners to follow their convictions and ambitions to the fullest.

However, in doing so, the Leo can himself/herself be imposing his/her convictions on the partner. He/she may get imposing and untolerable to the extreme. And what’s more, when being criticized, he/she will not listen, leave alone owning up to the criticism. And if you are a Leo, you shouldn’t take this the wrong way – it comes naturally to you. In your enthusiasm for the partnership, you get so involved in getting the best out of it that you don’t realize that you’re crossing the line. If the partner is a little less assertive, then the Leo might always have it his/her way and not even realize the fact that it is not at all good for the relationship. In a relationship, what’s more important than deciding on something that’s best for both in a monetary or domestic situation, is there being a balance. In order to do this, the Leo should think of the things that he/she wants most when he/she does something for the spouse, and return the same things when the spouse does something for him/her.

Leos never forget what it was like to be a child, being treated like a child and not being explained things properly. So they never treat their children like children. They treat them the way the wish they were treated – with respect, and in doing so, gain the respect of their children. There will be no baby talk or coochee-cooing when they need to tell their kids they love them, so that a strong, sensible relationship is built right from the start. The parent should only make sure that he/she does not become domineering.

Leo Career and Money

Leos need a profession where they can express themselves fully, shine in a way that all can see, and show of their talent. Even if they have hardly any opportunity to show their talent, they will be happy to just show their work, and be appreciated and noticed for it. A backend job with hardly any responsibilities and total isolation is not their cup of tea. They do not mind if they are made to work in a library or a department store, or made a receptionist at a desk, they want a job where they feel someone is directly benefitting from their services, and also receive accolades and admiration from him for the work they have done.

So their basic objective is to make life a little easier for atleast a few people. And even with all the need for appreciation and commendation, they have this personal yardstick of doing well, and they have to cross that minimum. If not, they will suffer from depression and restlessness. Of course, these bouts keep coming in their lives, when they feel everything is just falling apart and that they are of no use to the society, but there’s no one better at coming out of such states than them. And when they’re out, they will be alive and kicking as ever, and they will go out and make things happen.

Another remarkable characteristic of a Leo is his/her insistence on doing things properly and without flaw. Leos hate amateurs and strive hard at achieving high standards in their output. Whatever their career might be, they show this quality to the fullest and their superiors take notice of this. They soon rise in influence and then boss around people working under them to show perfection and professionalism. They do not want to do things properly, they need to do things properly so that people may take notice. Leos would love nothing more than to stand out as an example. Leos, however, do not shine in time-consuming jobs that they find unnecessary and annoying. And if their superior is, according to them, stupid and incompetant, and demands being sucked up to, then the Leo will be the first to give it to him in the face, without caring about the job. They need appreciation and opportunity, but not at the cost of their honour!

Zodiac and Dates, Horoscope and Characteristics

added 11 years ago

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